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  • Wi by Jason Messina

Wi by Jason Messina

  • Product Code: B1#277
  • Reward Points: 10
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $5.99
  • $2.99

  • Price in reward points: 299

Is it possible to know what someone is thinking before they think it? Wi shatters previous methods and produces a mind expanding effect with a different kind of ending.

Is it possible for a stranger to describe a friend you're merely thinking of? With nothing written down. No funny secret writing. No switches.

wi does this and more. If you've read TUBE, you know I love to create more than just an effect. I like to create an entire system that allows the user literally infinite possibilities. wi is another one of those ideas that just begs for you to pour yourself into it and make it your own.

wi is perfect for those times when you have nothing else and you want to make a lasting impression.

What's included:

  • The Restaurant
  • The Little wi Secret
  • Dirty Work
  • Special Considerations
  • Spectator as Mind Reader
  • 1 Head
  • The Name Game
  • Other Possibilities

Bonus: wiDoo, my scary simple take on the classic Voodoo effect from Annemann I've updated this, removed the sleight of hand and moves and spun it on it's head This is Voodoo on acid and you will definitely use this at Halloween Parties .. this year.

Based on a kernel of an idea from Invocation, an unpublished Paul Harris idea and a funny incident that happened to my friend Alison, I've accidentally stumbled across another hole in the matrix that makes this miracle possible.

wi ... know the world

With your purchase of wi, you get a free sneak peek at the upcoming and already critically acclaimed Method Impossible!

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