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  • With You in Mind Book by Adam Hudson

With You in Mind Book by Adam Hudson

  • Product Code: I2836
  • Reward Points: 15
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $5.99
  • $3.99

  • Price in reward points: 399


Roll With It: The numbers uppermost on three covered dice are predicted on a performer's business card.

Double Dice-ception: A playing card is created by the naming of a suit and the rolling of two dice. But even under these remarkably fair conditions, the very card created is found to be the only one inside the tabled card box.

Stop, Lock and Listen: Three freely dealt piles of playing cards are used to unlock a combination padlock in this self-working miracle.

RAM: Is a feature length Mentalism routine that reveals thought of memories and the year that they occurred, concluding with a prediction showing that the performer knew in advance what numbers would be thought of.

Your Days Are Numbered: Is a method for knowing dates of birth for multiple audience members. This is a brand new system that alone is worth the price of the book. This can be performed via text, e-mail, over the phone or in person.

BACAAN Counter: Allows the performer to create an Any Card at Any Number without ever touching the packet of cards, the spectator unknowingly doing all of the hard work for them.

Easy-Peasy Prediction: Uses dice to select ESP symbols from a regular pack. Predictions made at the outset are then revealed to be 100% correct. Super easy and super strong!

Trip-Out: Uses absolutely nothing but the performer's voice and the spectator's mind. Learn this routine and always have the ability to reveal thought of animals, fruits, colours and playing cards.

Overboard: Is a lovely multi card reveal, climaxing with a whiteboard prediction being inverted to create the name of the final playing card selection.

Oh My Days: Consists of a self-working method to reveal spectator's dates of birth. The routine is packed full of tips and thoughts, even enabling audience members to complete the birthday reveal.

Short-Out: Can Predict 'any' thought of card in a clean and visually stunning way.

It's The Thought That Counts: Contains a sure fire system to work out any thought of playing card. This is the result of over ten years of work.

Mis-Match: Turns the spectator into the psychic, where all of their choices in an ESP test are dramatically correct.

All of the routines in this book are fresh, new ideas in the world of Mentalism and Mental Magic. Adam's work has been praised by many respected names in the magic community, including Derren Brown.

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